Topic: financial advisor

8 Tips for Aging Well: Make Your Plan Now for a Healthy, Supported Future

The pandemic has provided many lessons, including the importance of our communities, the value of the place we call home, and what steps to take to protect and care for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

All these factors play essential roles in our overall health, happiness, and ability to remain independent.

Perhaps this is why the Administration for Community Living has chosen to focus on “aging in place—how older adults can plan to stay in their homes and live independently” for Older Adults Month 2022. This year’s theme is “Age my  way!”

Get in the Lifeboat: But Don’t Float Alone! Key Supports You’ll Want in Your Boat

Being a caregiver can be lonely. Over time, friends and family may start to fade away and your world begins to feel very small. As you encounter tricky situations, you might struggle with how to navigate them gracefully. This caregiving race is a marathon, not a sprint. Equipping yourself for the long haul is essential. Just as you would never head out to sea alone, you shouldn’t start this caregiving journey alone.

As you get into your lifeboat, you don’t have to float alone. Here are some key players you’ll want with you to ensure a smooth ride: …

10 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success in Your Retirement

Happy 75, Baby Boomers! 2021 marks the year that the first of the boomers — 3.4 million babies born in the U.S. in 1946 — start turning 75. My Uncle Mike, born January 5th, 1946, is one of the first to mark this significant milestone. A birthday is the perfect time to make sure you well set up for the future, especially since we all have far more time at home to focus on the tasks that many of us avoided for years.

Many baby boomers I know have had to assume the care of their aging parents. It was often a very stressful scenario because their parents did not plan, often refused help, and left adult children to pick up the pieces. Because of this experience, baby boomers are motivated to save their kids from this same fate. They are eager to plan so that their kids won’t be burdened with their future care.

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