Topic: tax scam

IRS Impersonators & Tax Scams Targeting Older Adults


Updated March 4, 2024; previously published April 14, 2021

Being caught in a tax scam can happen to anyone, even though most of us think we’re too smart to get fleeced. Unfortunately, even the most cautious person can get ripped off. When older adults are defrauded, the effects can be devastating.

One insidious fraud making the rounds during tax season involves IRS impersonators. Swindlers claiming to be from the IRS tell intended victims they owe taxes and must pay using a pre-paid debit card, money order or a wire transfer. They threaten those who refuse to pay with a grand jury indictment, immediate arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s license. …

IRS Scam: Wisdom from ConsumerMan Herb Weisbaum, Part 4/4

ConsumerMan Herb Weisbaum collage

It’s tax season and the con artists are hard at work trying to scam you and separate you from your money.

“The IRS does not email, text, or call you. If the IRS needs to communicate with you because there’s a problem with your taxes,  they send you a letter — snail mail, good old US mail. It’s part of the government,” cautions ConsumerMan Herb Weisbaum. …

Tax Scams Targeting Older Adults

tax scams

Being caught in tax scams can happen to anyone, even though most of us think we’re too smart to get fleeced. Unfortunately, even the most cautious person can get ripped off. When older adults are defrauded, the effects can be devastating.

One insidious fraud making the rounds during tax season involves IRS impersonators. Swindlers claiming to be from the IRS tell intended victims they owe taxes and must pay using a pre-paid debit card, money order or a wire transfer. They threaten those who refuse to pay with a grand jury indictment, immediate arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s license. …

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