You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Taming guilt and making time for self-care

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Our colleague Wendy Nathan, along with Sandra Cook, Regional VP at Aegis Living, wrap up this series by talking about caregiver guilt and the need to make time for self-care.

Caregiver guilt is normal and a complicated emotion.  You will likely experience moments of self-doubt, stress, exhaustion, and times of feeling overwhelmed, even frustrated. Again, that’s all normal. Be aware, however, of caregiver burnoutClick here to take our Caregiver Burnout Quiz. 

We encourage caregivers to find healthy ways to manage guilt before it turns into burnout. That’s why self-care is so essential.

What’s best for the person in your care (despite their protests)? Are they safe? Comfortable?  Creatively and social engaged?  Check out this article on Creativity, Connection, and Dementia from our colleague Juliet Powell to spark some ideas.

When it comes to self-care, it can be as simple as a walk around the block, a bubble bath, or a dance party! Here are some surefire ways to jumpstart self-care and recharge your batteries: Family Caregivers: Don’t Let Your Flame Fizzle!

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Struggling with your journey as a family caregiver? We can help! Schedule a free get-acquainted call with us today.

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